The LHHS Wrestling team has been putting in the work this year, and with the season coming to a close, it’s obvious just how hard these athletes have been working.
With sending nine wrestlers from men’s varsity, and four varsity women wrestlers to regionals, their diligent work and dedication has paid off. From those 13 students, Sebatian Borrego (12), Daisy Omorodion (10), Romina Temengil (9), and Sofia Vaca (10) successfully made it to state. Borrego placed second, Romina placed fourth, and Omorodion and Vaca both placed fifth respectively at regionals.
Varsity captain Borrego (12) conveys his main objective for wrestling this season.
“My biggest motivation is being able to support my parents and wanting to become the best version of myself possible,” Borrego states. “Staying healthy and believing in a brighter future no matter what because a rough beginning doesn’t mean a rough end.”
Coach Wainscott comments on the season and the overall brilliance of the team.
“This year, what I love most about this team is seeing how far most of them have come since day one,” Wainscott said. “Several kids have stepped up in a big way for us and won some varsity matches. We never took a step backward and have battled through all year. I couldn’t ask for anything more with this group.”
Luke Garthoff (12) states he remains in the sport despite its difficulty because of the upperclassmen he had when he was a freshman.
“They weren’t just there to be team players, but they tried to be the bigger role models,” he concludes.